Children SAFETY Education in KOREA
- International Journal of Crisis & Safety
- vol.4 no.2
- : KCI등재후보
- 2019.08
- 7 - 12 (6 pages)
Most people rarely think about the possibilities or risks of accidents that can happen in everyday life, think that accident is caused by unforeseen coincidence. However, if people are aware of the potential for accidents that may occur in their surroundings and form behaviors and attitudes that protect them, these everyday accidents will not only be fully prevented, but they will be able to prevent them even when an accident occurs, the damage can be minimized. Children are particularly curious, lacking self-regulation, awareness of the situation, and coping with safety, it is more prone to safety accidents than anyone else. As a result, the duty of early childhood teachers to educate children to develop the right knowledge of safety and the attitude and ability to cope with dangers is increasing and the knowledge and ability of early childhood teachers who can implement safety education appropriate for the developmental characteristics of children should be essential. According to the various previous studies, the higher the safety knowledge of early childhood teachers, the higher the ability to practice for the safety of children, and teacher s safety-related expertise is closely related to safety education and accident prevention of children. Therefore, it is very important to find out how the application of the flipped learning method to the child safety curriculum has an effect on the safety expertise, knowledge, attitude, and practice of pre-service early childhood teachers. The subjects of this study were 23 pre-service early childhood teachers, 3rd grade in the department of Infant & Child Care, University A in Gangwon-do using learning achievement test tool is divided into knowledge, skill, and attitude. Applying the flipped learning method to the child safety curriculum showed significant results in the safety knowledge, skills and attitudes of the pre-service early childhood teachers. So it can be said that the instructor can teach well according to the level of the learner, and the learner becomes aware of his weaknesses, and learn well is possible. Also the results of this study show that the application of the flipped learning method to child safety education is a very positive and necessary method of safety course in the previous education.
1. Introduction
2. Research Method
3. Results
4. Discussion and Conclusion
5. References