Massive diffusion of information and communication technologies prompted the rise of a new concept called remote interpreting. Remote interpreting denotes a situation where the interpreter is located away from the interlocutors but communicates via a technology that enables audiovisual contact and appearance on-screen. While remote interpreting offers a number of advantages to both interpreters as well as conference organizers and companies, the lack of visual components may inhibit rapport building among communicating parties and generate uncertainty. This study investigates remote interpreting as the possible solution to communication needs at conferences. The study looks into how the interpreting situation is affected by distance and how interpreters deal with difficulties caused by such peculiarity. The findings show that while ICT advances supports utilization of remote interpreting, interpreters need to find strategies to deal with low visibility and control over communication situation and secure channels for more active cooperation among interpreting parties.
I. 서론
II. 원격통역의 특수성과 의사소통에 미치는 영향
III. 데이터 수집 및 분석 방법
IV. 원격통역의 전망
V. 결론