복합생균제가 산란계의 생산성, 계란품질 및 악취저감에 미치는 영향
Effect of a probiotic mixture on egg quality and egg production in laying hens
- 한국응용과학기술학회 (구.한국유화학회)
- 한국응용과학기술학회지
- 한국응용과학기술학회지 제36권 제3호
- : KCI등재
- 2019.09
- 748 - 757 (10 pages)
본 연구는 계란 생산성, 계란품질 및 악취저감에 관한 Bacillus subtillus, Streptomyces galilaeus 및 Sphingobacteriaceae 로 구성된 복합생균제(PM, probiotic mixture)의 효과를 조사하였다. 산란계 Hy-Line Brown 240수를 4처리구로 구분하여 6주 동안 사육하였다. 처리구는 복합생균제를 함유하지 않은 대조구(CON, control), 일반생균제(CP3, commercial probiotics 0.3%), 복합생균제 3(PM3, 복합생균제 0.3%), 복합생균제 5(PM5, 복합생균제 0.5%)로 구분하였다. 산란율, 계란 호우유니트, 난각두께, 난각강도, 난황색 및 농후난백 높이는 PM3, PM5가 CON 및 CP3에 비해서 높았다. 계분으로부터 암모니아, E. coli , 총호기성균, Coliform, Salmonella 균수는 CON>CP3>PM3>PM5 순서로 증가하였다. 본 결과는 B. subtillus, S. galilaeus 및 Sphingobacteriaceae 로 구성된 복합생균제 0.3%가 산란율, 계란품질 개선 및 분에서 암모니아 발생을 낮추어 양계장 악취저감 효과를 갖는다는 점을 보여준다.
The objective of the present study was to evaluate effects of probiotic mixture (PM) including Bacillus subtillus , Streptomyces galilaeus and Sphingobacteriaceae on egg production, egg quality, and eliminating odor in laying hens. A total of 240 Hy-Line Brown laying hens (50 wks of age) were divided into four treatment groups (60 replicates of birds, each) in completely randomized design. Groups were assigned to four experimental diets: CON (a basal diet of no PM additive as control), basal diet supplemented with either CP3 (0.3% commercial probiotics), PM3 (0.3% PM), or PM5 (0.5% PM 0.5). Data of egg production and egg quality were obtained during 6 weeks of experimental period. Egg production, Haugh unit, shell thickness, breaking strength, yolk color, and albumin high were significantly increased in CP3 and PM3 compared to those in CON and CP3. Ammonia levels and numbers of E. coli , total aerobic bacteria, Coliform, and Salmonella in feces were significantly increased in order of CON>CP3>PM3>PM5. The present study indicates that addition of 0.3% probiotic mixture including B. subtillus , S. galilaeus and Sphingobacteriaceae to diets may improve egg production, egg quality, and eliminate fecal ammonia of laying hens.
1. 서 론
2. 실 험
3. 결과 및 고찰
4. 결 론