최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널


The Phenomenon of Film Globalization and Chinese co-production Culture in the Context of Globalization

  • 30

随着全球化的不断加剧和各国市场的逐步开放, 导致了各区域文化间的渗透、融合和冲突。电影作为跨文化传播的重要媒介载体, 它的出现无疑加剧了本土文化和文化全球一体化之间存在的冲突与融合的矛盾。因此, 为了应对电影全球化导致的各国电影同质化危机, 必须对电影全球化的现象有明确、深入的认识。本文在文化全球化理论研究的基础之上, 将电影全球化的类型分为“马赛克”式和“阶梯”式两类, 并指出当下中国藉由中外合拍片大力发展“马赛克”式的全球化才是捍卫传统文化、塑造中国良好国际形象、表述中国社会主义核心价值观的真正出路。中国将依靠自身强大的市场资源、充足的人力资源、繁荣的经济资源、丰厚独特的文化资源和多样化的自然环境资源等强劲优势, 同其他国家和地区展开紧密化、多元化的项目合作和资源输出等电影全球化的协作部署。可以预见的是, 中国电影未来将会与更多的国家展开合拍合作, 将大美的中国文化用影像的方式书写, 在世界的各个角落生根结果。

With the continuous intensification of globalization and the gradual opening up of national markets, it leads to the infiltration, integration and conflict among regional cultures. As an important media carrier of cross-cultural communication, the emergence of film undoubtedly intensifies the conflict and integration between local culture and cultural globalization. Therefore, in order to deal with the crisis of film homogeneity caused by film globalization, it is necessary to have a clear and deep understanding of the phenomenon of film globalization. On the basis of cultural globalization theory research, this paper will be divided into the type of film globalization “Mosaic” type and “ladder” type two kinds, and points out the present China by sino-foreign co-production to develop the “Mosaic” type of globalization is the defense of the traditional culture, China good international image and describe the real way out for China s socialist core values. China will rely on its strong market resources, human resources, economic resources, cultural resources and the great rivers and mountains of the motherland to carry out close and diversified project cooperation with other countries and regions and coordinate deployment of film globalization such as resource export. It can be predicted that Chinese films will cooperate with more countries in the future, and the great beauty of Chinese culture will be written in the form of images, which will take root in all corners of the world.


1. 文化全球化的典型现象

2. 全球化语境下电影全球化的两大现象

3. 中外合拍电影的文化取向:“马赛克”式电影全球化

4. 结语


