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KCI등재 학술저널


The Analects of Confucius Four Question Phrase Interpretation

  • 19

《论语》里的不少篇中有些长期以来众说纷纭的疑难词语, 如《论语·里仁》篇中“不以其道得之, 不去也”中的, “得之”, “君子之于天下也, 无适也, 无莫也”中的, “适、莫”, 《论语·述而》篇中“默而识之, 学而不厌, 诲人不倦, 何有于我哉?” 中的“何有于我哉”等, 长期以来见仁见智, 存在不同的解释, 这里的“得之”, 应解释为“得富贵”, “适、莫”, 应解释为“无可、无不可”, “何有于我哉”, 应解释为“有什么困难”, 加我数年, 则应以孔子晚年, 五十以后解释为合适.等, 本文试作辨析, 以探求《论语》的本意。

The syntax of each chapter of 《The Analects of Confucius》 has many different interpretations over a long period of time. For example, there are many different interpretations in the parts saying “If you earn something that s not a moral, you don t leave it” and “It s good to learn without words, and what s not satisfied with learning, and the lazy teaching? What will I do?” In the mentioned phrases, “earn” means “earn from listening” and “What will I do?” means “What kinds of difficulties would there be?” This book tries to explore the real meaning of 《The Analects of Confucius》 by analyzing the mentioned sentence. There are various interpretations for 《The Analects of Confucius》 and other classical pieces. And those interpretations leave readers confused of Kongzi’s ideas. This comes as limitation of interpretation of the classics. Researches done by Yangshuda and Yangbojun combined traditional Sohak (Chinese Elementary Learning) and modern linguistics and decoded many phrases. The present writer also believes phrases in the classics can be solved by studying traditional Sohak, or characters, exegesis and phoneme in conjunction with modern linguistics theories.


1. 绪论

2. 不以其道得之, 不去也

3. 无适也, 无莫也

4. 何有于我哉

5. 加我数年

6. 结论


