This study is a study that examines the characteristics and ideology of AI Service Advertisement or AI ads for short. AI ads appear to have different characteristics than general products ads in terms of the dialogue structure, message, character and background. First, AI ads consist mostly of a dialogue structure of “call-order-execution.” The ideology being captured in this regard is that AI is perceived as being friendly to humans and free to human beings. Second, the message of an AI ads can be divided into directive content and situations. Directive content can be divided into six categories: control-home products, search-information, control-song/music, control-phone, conversation/joke, application/order, and the situations can be divided into four categories: leisure, process/progress, problem/ constraints, and others. These messages instill in us the illusion of ‘comfortable’ and give us a new value that ‘loose is reasonable’. Third, the fact that there are more unknown models compared to general product advertisements is also a characteristic of AI ads. This is social evidence that people like me are all using AI, which is a powerful mechanism that causes sympathy. Fourth, the background of AI ads is mainly “home.” This provides a powerful mechanism for the audience to build the perception that ‘many people already use AI at home.’
1. 머리말
2. 이데올로기와 광고
3. 인공지능과 광고
4. 인공지능 서비스 광고의 특성과 이데올로기
5. 맺음말