최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

Portrayals of Gender Roles in Everybody Loves Raymond

  • 65

This study overviews how gender roles are portrayed in American sitcoms with Everybody Loves Raymond as the primary example. This show explicitly demonstrates how the views of society concerning acceptable behavioral characteristics of both men and women have changed. It also illustrates how redefined aspects of gender roles are combined together with aspects of enduring traditional roles via the dynamics of Barone family. With consideration of content and context, discourse/text analysis for selected episodes is conducted to disclose how these aspects (old and new) juxtapose each other. The manner of communication among characters and the storylines are also investigated to profile genders and their subsequent relationships.

1. Introduction

2. Background

3. About Everybody Loves Raymond

4. Analysis and Discussion

5. Conclusions
