Objective:We studied the effectiveness having experience using simulation program for dementia patient caregivers on the empathy in Korea. Methods:Twenty-eight care-givers were interviewed about two weeks after participating in the Korean dementia simulation program. We tested for the effect of the program on the empathy through Dementia Attitude Scale (DAS), Korean version of Interpersonal Reactivity Index, short Zarit Burden Inventory, Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale-10, Brief coping orientation to problems experienced, and General Self-Efficacy Scale (GSE). Results:A total of 16 family care-givers and 12 formal care-givers were included. The DAS-total score, DAS-intelligence score of family caregivers who experienced Korean dementia simulation program showed improvement. The DAS-total score of the formal caregivers was not significantly improved but the DAS-intelligence score was significantly improved and DAS-comfort score was significantly decreased. And the GSE total score was significantly decreased. Conclusion:This study suggests that Korean dementia simulation program can improve the empathy of caregivers through the improving the understanding of dementia and people with dementia. However, addition intervention was needed to the increasing the self-efficacy and the decreasing the care burden and depression for caregivers.
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