There was no direct verse in the Koran about female circumcision. However,some verses related to the prophet Abraham have been claimed as the basis of female circumcision by some jurists (legal scholars). There are many verses related to circumcision in Sunni and Shiah s Hadith (Sunna). In the case of men, it is Sunna, the practice of Islam, but in the case of women, it is neither a mandatory nor a forbidden. There is no agreed legal view on female circumcision by the serval major schools of Islamic law in the Sunni and Shiah. But as a result of this study, female circumcision was dominated as Makrumah (Mustahabb, Mandub) by Hanafi, Makrumah by Maliki, Wajib by Shafi‘i, Wajib by Hanbali, Makrumah by Ja’fari.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 할례에 관한 코란 구절
Ⅲ. 여성할례에 대한 하디스 구절
Ⅳ. 여성할례에 대한 법학파(법학자)의 파트와
Ⅴ. 결론