최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

Presence of Islam in Spain Since the Reconquista

  • 35

Spain’s history has witnessed a serious decline of the presence of Islam for long period after the end of Muslim rule through the so-called Reconquista, which was followed by a Christian rule that persecutes Muslims and forced their conversions to Catholicism until Islam’s presence in Spain had vanished within the 17th century. However, in Modern times, Spain started to adopt democratic policies that permit the freedom of religions, which allowed Islam to re-appear in Spain with the emergence of a Spanish Muslim minority. This paper will try to shed light on this Muslim minority in Spain trying to search for its linkages with Medieval Muslim Spain (Al-Andalus). This would be through searching the formation of the Modern Spanish Muslim minority, and its activities, to see how far it has relations with the Andalusian identity. These relations might be based on the self-estimation within the Muslim minority itself according to the internal perception of Muslims Spaniards themselves for their roots or connections with the Andalusian heritage of Spain. From the other hand, linkages with Al-Andalus also could be according to the external vision of other members of Spanish society for the Andalusian roots of the risen Muslim community in Spain, as this may have impacts on the social cohesion in Spain.


I. Presence of Islam in Spain since the Reconquista

II. The emergence of Muslim Minority in Modern Spain

III. Linkages between Contemporary Spanish Muslim Minority and Al-Andalus

IV. Conclusion
