최근 검색어 전체 삭제

From History to Reality: How China Handles North Korea

  • 66

The history of China and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) determines the current state of Sino-DPRK relations. China and DPRK have shared a common historical memory and regime security policy from former dynasties and continue to do so, and this is summarized by the phrase “teeth and lips relations.” Ideologically, China and the DPRK have had almost the same roots for their armies, Communist parties (CCP and North Korean Workers Party), and governments. China’s and North Korea’s Supreme leaders, Xi Jinping and Kim Jong Un, respectively, used the same words and said that China and DPRK have “struggled shoulder by shoulder,” while speaking about the journey from China’s Civil War to its Anti-Japan battles, and the Liberation War to the Korean War, respectively. Both nations also appear to follow similar constructions of socialism as articulated on June 20, 2019. Personal sentiments have also formed major foundations for both China and Korea from the past to the present. In ancient times, Chinese Emperors and Korea shared complicated relationships. From the past to the present, China has understood that if Korea falls into a state of chaos, voluntarily or involuntarily, China will face the greatest loss. Thus, China pays serious and careful attention to the stability and unification of Korea and tries its best to avoid harm. The result, which can be seen in China’s foreign policy, is that China prioritizes policymaking that focuses on the stability of the Korean Peninsula. Based on these facts alone, China’s North Korea policy has had special historical roots and milestones, and has engaged in methods and approaches very different from those of other countries.


1. Relations between China and North Korea

2. China’s top priority: stabilize the peninsula

3. China’s Policy toward North Korea

4. Conclusions

