최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

뇌과학 영상기반의 사이코패스 연구와 형사정책적 과제

Neuroscience-based psychopath research and criminal policy

  • 450

Psychopathy is a complex personality disorder that includes interpersonal and affective traits such as glibness, lack of empathy, guilt or remorse, shallow affect, and irresponsibility, and behavioral characteristics such as impulsivity, poor behavioral control, and promiscuity. Much is known about the assessment of psychopathy; however, relatively little is understood about the relevant brain disturbances. Brain research on psychopathy may affect punishment, prediction, and interventions. The combination of structural and functional abnormalities provides compelling evidence that the dysfunction observed in this crucial social-emotional circuitry is a stable characteristic of our psychopathic offenders. This study shows directly - that there is a specific brain abnormality associated with criminal psychopathy. psychopaths lack moral rationality and that severe psychopaths should be excused from crimes that violate the moral rights of others.

Ⅰ. 서설

Ⅱ. 뇌과학 기반 신경생물학 및 신경범죄학의 대두

Ⅲ. 뇌과학 기반 사이코패스 특성 연구

Ⅳ. 사이코패스의 특성가설 관련 형사정책적 의미와 한계

Ⅴ. 결론
