WTO 안보예외 ‒ 「러시아-통과운송 제한」 사건 패널 결정의 법리와 한국에의 함의 ‒
Security Exceptions in the WTO System ‒ A Discussion of the Russia- Traffic in Transit Case and Its Implications for Korea ‒
The findings of the panel decision of Russia- Transit (DS512) as to the application of GATT XXI can be summarized as follows: Once Article XXI is invoked by Members in the WTO dispute settlement procedure, the panel has jurisdiction to review the dispute by the application of the provision. Members has a sovereign right to determine the “essential security interests” and a subjective right to find necessary protective measures. The panel still maintains power to review the good faith of Members in the interpretation and application of subjective elements of the clause. Three subparagraphs of XXI:(b) set out objective factors the satisfaction of which should be assessed objectively. “other emergency in international relations” requires graveness of the situation comparable to war and generally disqualifies simple trade and economic conflicts. If Chinese retaliatory measures against Korean installation of THAAD system were brought to the WTO dispute settlement procedure, the measures such as ban on travelling to Korea and boycott of Korean products would be held inconsistent with the WTO Agreements and unable to be justified under security exception clauses as they are not related to the protection of essential security interests. The US is expected to lose the WTO cases concerning its measures on steel and aluminum products unless it adjust the target and latitude of its measures. Meanwhile, it is not as simple to predict the result of the case concerning Japanese measures related to the exportation of products and technology to Korea. Unless the situation get worse, settlement of disputes through negotiation is recommended.
Ⅰ. 서 론
Ⅱ. 「러시아-통과운송 제한」 사건
1. 사안의 개요
2. GATT 제XXI조에 관련된 패널의 심리
3. 다른 쟁점들에 대한 패널의 분석
Ⅲ. 안보예외에 관한 패널 법리의 평가
1. 법리의 요점
2. 평 가
Ⅳ. 한국이 처한 상황에의 함의
1. 중국 - 사드 보복
2. 미국 – 무역확대법 제232조에 근거한 관세부과
3. 일본 – 특정물품 한국수출 심사 강화