Eagle trade marks for similar goods and from similar companies in the fashion industry: Despite the very high visual similarity of the marks, the European Court annulled the previous decision on the likelihood of confusion between two eagle union marks-the word element had not been assessed as a whole by the Board of Appeal. The decisive factor for the judgment is that, in the case of a composite mark, although each distinctive character may be assessed in part for each of the terms or elements taken individually-the Board of Appeal had assessed individually the word elements of the later mark and found them to have weak distinctive character-it must in any event be based on the overall perception of that mark. And the Board of Appeal did not take such an overall view of the verbal element as a whole. The conclusion as to the weak distinctive character of the element “1st AMERICAN” as a whole was in no way substantiated, the CJEU held.
Ⅰ. 사건의 개요
Ⅱ. 상품의 유사여부 판단
Ⅲ. 누적효과를 갖는 오인·혼동의 가능성(Likelihood of Confusion with Cumulative Conditions)
Ⅳ. 상당히 유사한 독수리 표장의 식별력
Ⅴ. 표장의 전체적인 인식에 기초한 식별력의 판단