최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

공과대학생의 대인관계문제, 정서인식명확성, 공감능력 탐색

Exploration on Interpersonal Problems, Emotional Clarity, and Empathic Ability in Engineering Students

  • 66

The purpose of this study is to explore characteristics of engineering students Interpersonal Problems, Emotional Clarity, and Empathic Ability compared with humanities and social sciences students. A total of 739 college students participated in the study (459 enginerring students and 280 humanities and social sciences students). We tested research question by employing the t-test. The result showed that engineering students have higher level of clarity of feelings, perspective taking, empathic concern and lower level of attention to feelings, personal distress than humanities and social sciences students. Moreover, engineering students showed lower level of cold, socially avoidant, exploitable problems than humanities and social sciences students. We dicussed that programs aiming at developing engineering students emotional awareness and improving their interpersonal relationships should be provided.


I. 서론

II. 이론적 배경과 선행연구

III. 연구방법

IV. 연구결과

V. 결론 및 논의

