CDMA와 WIPI 기술정책의 성과요인 비교분석 : 혁신시스템, 거버넌스구조, 경로의존성을 중심으로
A Comparative Analysis on the Performance Factors of CDMA and WIPI Technology Policies : Focusing on System of Innovation, Governance Structure, and Path Dependence
- 한국IT서비스학회
- 한국IT서비스학회지
- 한국IT서비스학회지 제18권 제4호
- : KCI등재
- 2019.11
- 171 - 190 (20 pages)
This study comparatively analyzes the cases of CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access) and WIPI (Wireless Internet Platform for Interoperability) to find out the success and failure factors of technology policies in the field of mobile communication industry. For this purpose, the two cases are analyzed through a new analysis framework, which is made by combining System of Innovation with a range of variables derived from precedent studies, such as external environment, institutions, technological system, governance structure, and interactions of actors. The results of analysis show that in the CDMA case, the following factors led to success ; Korea made good use of the external opportunities in the early stage of digital communication technology and adopted a suitable governance structure for the technological system. Main actors in Innovation System had strong will for success and engaged in cooperative interaction. For the WIPI, however, the timing of technology policy was inappropriate and a unsuitable governance structure for technological system was chosen because of path dependence. The Innovation System failded to respond efficiently to the situation where conflicts among actors had intensified, US trade pressure had increased and innovative smartphones emerged. The results of this study provide the practical implications for the success of technology policy; namely it is important to choose a governance structure that suits the external environment and characteristics of technology and to activate cooperative interactions among actors in Innovation System.
1. 서 론
2. 이론적 배경 및 분석
3. 이동통신 기술정책 추진 개관
4. 성과요인 비교분석
5. 논의 및 결론