최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

Wind Fragility of Glass Windows with Tape and Film Reinforcement

  • 5

강풍에 의한 손상은 보나 기둥 등 주구조요소에 대한 피해보다는 대부분의 손상피해가 지붕, 창문 등의 비구조요소에 주로 발생한다. 본 연구에서는 국립방재연구원에서 수행한 창호내풍성능시험 결과를 토대로 아파트 창호에 사용된 유리부재의 보강방법에 따른 취약성 평가를 연구하였다. 성능실험에서는 16mm 두께의 유리와 5mm 두께의 유리, 테이프로 보강된 16mm 두께의 유리, 필름으로 보강된 5mm 두께의 유리 등 총 4종류의 창호 내 유리 시험체에 대하여 내풍성능을 실험하였으며 이들 결과를 토대로 5층 및 10층 아파트 시공 시 각각 강풍 취약도 평가를 수행하였다. 다양한 내풍조건을 모사하기 위하여 몬테카를로 시뮬레이션 기법을 적용하여 유리창 표면에 발생 가능한 풍속을 생성하였으며 이후 유리의 보강성능에 따라 각각의 확률론적 강풍 취약성을 평가하였다. 본 연구를 통하여 도출된 결과는 강풍 발생 시 시공된 유리의 보강방법에 따라 예상되는 손상확률을 결과적으로 제시하였다.

Damages caused by strong winds are not restricted to main load-bearing structural elements such as beams and columns. Most damages are attributed to a breach in the envelope structures such as the roof, window, and door. In this study, the wind fragility of the glass used in residential apartment windows was developed based on the results of a window aerodynamic performance test report from the Korea National Disaster Management Research Institute. Four types of window glass systems were tested, which included 16 mm and 5 mm glass without attachments, 16 mm glass with tape reinforcement, and 5 mm glass with film reinforcement. Furthermore, to simulate the usage of these glasses in apartment windows, two simplified 5- and 10-storey building models were created to represent low-rise and high-rise buildings, respectively. Both building models consisted of one glass window on each floor. Subsequently, the Monte Carlo simulation method was used to generate random wind on the glass window surface, and the probabilities of failure as well as analytical fragilities were determined. A comparison between the glass windows in each building model and that between the different glass reinforcements was conducted. The fragility parameters showed a failure wind speed similar to the values determined in the experiment. However, the probabilistic results had more potential to precisely explain the performance of glass windows in terms of the expected failure probability, compared with the deterministic results that had only two explanations, i.e., the glass breaks or does not break at a specific wind speed.

1. Introduction

2. Glass Window Experiment

3. Wind Fragility for Glass Window

4. Results and Discussion

5. Summary and Conclusions
