Accruals Quality and Manager s Choice of the Type of Voluntary Disclosure: Evidence from Regulation Fair Disclosure in Korea
Accruals Quality and Managers’ Choice of the Type of Voluntary Disclosure: Evidence from Regulation Fair Disclosure in Korea
- 글로벌경영학회
- 글로벌경영학회학술대회 발표논문집
- 2018년 하계학술대회 발표논문집
- 2018.05
- 3 - 45 (43 pages)
Using the model of measuring accruals quality by Francis, LaFond, Olsson, and Schipper (2005), this study investigates how accruals quality is related with managers’ choice of the type of voluntary disclosure under Regulation Fair Disclosure in Korea. This study finds that good accruals quality is positively associated with frequency of performance-related (management forecasts and preliminary earnings announcements) voluntary disclosure while it is negatively associated with that of business-related voluntary disclosure that contains prospective business plan and key contracts information. Moreover, this study also finds that the effect of the relation is more pronounced in innate accruals quality rather than discretionary accruals quality. Results of this study contribute to the extant literature by showing expanded evidence on whether accruals quality affects managers’ disclosure behavior.
1. Introduction
2. Prior literature and hypotheses development
3. Research methodology and Sample Selection
4. Empirical Results