Intra and Inter Group Key Management Scheme for Secure and Privacy-Preserving Data Communication
Intra and Inter Group Key Management Scheme for Secure and Privacy-Preserving Data Communication
- 글로벌경영학회
- 글로벌경영학회학술대회 발표논문집
- 2018년 하계학술대회 발표논문집
- 2018.05
- 523 - 542 (20 pages)
Group key management is one of the most challenging issues for secure group communication systems. In order to o er secrecy in the intra and inter group, both the intra-group and inter-group key have to be deployed. And the keys must be updated whenever a user join or leaves the group for satisfy the backward and forward secrecy. I present a novel solution to the problem of key management in intra-group and inter-group communication and discuss several attacks against the scheme. en I propose the message encryption method for inter-group communication which provides privacypreserving communication. I employed a polynomial P to derive the efficient intra-group key generation and generated a polynomial H(x) to make an inter-group key. Polynomial-based intra-group and inter-group key management schemes have the following advantages: (1) Group members and the group controller can share the intra-group key without any widely known encryption/decryption method. (2) When the members of the group get changed, the group controller needs to update and distribute the renewed intra-group keys. Polynomial-based scheme can reduce the number of re-keying messages. (3) The mechanism lessens the storage overhead of group members and the group controller by adopting a polynomial-based key management scheme. (4) As compare with previous approach, the group controller does not need to broadcast heavy messages which are necessary for creating inter-group key. Hence, it introduces only a small amount of broadcast tra c to the group members. (5) e message encryption method for inter-group communication offers privacy-preserving communication. It provides sender anonymity and sender authentication in inter-group communication system.
I. Introduction
II. Related Works
III. Polynomial-based Key Management for Secure Intra-group Communication
IV. Polynomial-based Key Management for Privacy-Preserving Inter-group Communication