이 연구의 목적은 도박중독자의 회복과정에서 무엇이 실존체험을 가능하게 하고, 그것이 어떻게 단도박 의지를 생성하여 도박중독에서 빠져나올 수 있게 하는지를 확인하는데 있다. 총 8명의 연구주인공을 선정하고 1:1 심층면담을 통해 자료를 수집했다. 수집된 자료는 ‘해석학적 현상학’ 관점을 가지고 분석했다. 주요 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, ‘실존인식’ 단계에서 연구주인공들은 타자와 죽음에 대한 체험을 통해 도박을 중단하고 회복을 위해 노력했다. 둘째, ‘투쟁(내적 갈등)’ 단계에서 연구주인공들은 도박의 유혹에 시달리거나 재발을 경험했다. 셋째, ‘실존체득’ 단계에서 연구주인공들은 다양한 체험을 통해 경제적 문제, 성격적 결함, 역량 부족과 같은 자신들의 문제를 인식했으며, 문제 해결을 위해 노력하는 과정에서 새로운 목표와 희망을 발견했다.
The purpose of this study is to ascertain what makes the existential experiences possible in the recovery process of gambling addicts and how it shapes the will of gambling abstinence. Eight study participants were chosen and 1:1 in-depth-interview and Hermeneutic Phenomenology Approach was utilized. As a result, 3 steps were determined in the study. The first step was existential self-consciousness. In this step, they faced their reality through interaction with meaningful others and thinking of death, and tried to stop gambling and recover. The second step was struggle(inner conflict). In this step, the participants were tempted to gamble. Although participants experienced inner conflicts and gambled again, it helped them to assure that their efforts were not in vain and to have confidences that they can expand the period of gambling abstinence. The third step was mastering existence. In this step, the participants realized their problems and lack of competency through various experiences. They realized the importance of spiritual maturity by recognition of their problems, and believed in invisible power by reflections on their changed lives. This `spirituality acted as a new meaning of their lives’ Based on the results, the researcher suggests theoretical implications about the trigger of recovery, circulation of recovery, master signifier and existence. Implications of practice and policy are suggested in terms of impotance of others, appropriate goal setting, pillar of mind setting, existence program and support facilities.
l 서론
ll 이론적 논의
lll 연구방법
lV 연구결과
V 결론