최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

펑크를 매개로 한 아시아 청년들의 연대와 지역별 펑크에서 정치적인 것의 함의: 서울 문래동의 GBN 라이브하우스와 타이완 펑크 콜렉티브(collective) 처우청(愁城)을 중심으로

Solidarity of asian youth mediated by punk with implication of political aspects of each region: Focus on GBN Livehouse in Mulladong, Seoul and Trapped Citizen in Taipei, Taiwan

DOI : 10.36775/kjpm.2018.21.9
  • 98

Since the mid-2010s, there has been a increase in connections between the Mullae-dong GBN live house(GBN) and the Japanese hardcore punk scene. There is already an international tradition of hardcore punk scene that promotes subculture production that transcends regions and races by being urban tribe, but their solidarity has more Asian characteristics. In the situation not only bands in Mulla-dong which pursue lifestyle politics faced marginalization but also bands in Japan faced aging, their solidarity adequates each needs and includes affective bonding with state of mind that couldn’t find in solidarity with the Western. On September 23, 2017 GBN held a performance of D.I.Y. festival ‘No limit Seoul 2017’, youth, activists, artists, musicians and researchers from Asia participated. Members of Taiwan’s punk collective Trapped citizen have also found GBN and appreciated their political aspect. In Taipei, Trapped citizen is struggling to establish a radical punk scene, in which people marginalized in social movements, student movements, urban culture to create offices and music studios together. The GBN and Trapped citizen emphasize the political aspect in their practice. In the youth culture that penetrates Asia, I want to examine the aspect of punctuation that focuses on the politics of Seoul and Taipei.

1. 들어가며

2. 형성 중인 아시아 하위문화의 연대

3. 이론적 논의: 포스트하위문화적 전환 속에서 아나키즘

4. 동시대적인 GBN 라이브하우스와 처우청

4.1. GBN 라이브하우스

4.2. 처우청

5. 마치며
