최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

한일어업협정의 체결에 따른 ‘평화선’의 소멸

End of the ‘Peace Line’ by Conclusion of Fishery Agreement

DOI : 10.35647/kjna.2019.37.37
  • 59

This paper arranges on the basis of the published documents about fishery negotiations of Korea and Japan diplomats during normalization process clarifying what were the issues of the ‘peace line’ proclaimed unilaterally by Rhee Syngman government and how the line was dissipated in the process of establishment of fishery agreement in 1965. President Rhee declared abroad the ‘marine sovereignty’ in the Busan temporary government building on Jan. 18th, 1952. Subsequently he began to seize the Japanese fishing boats for the reason of invading the boundary under promulgation of an enforcement ordinance ‘capture and Judgement’ on Oct. 4th. According to the ordinance, capturing tribunal had the first judgement under the article 2 and high capturing tribunal had the second under the article 24 without verbal trial. Further more governmental draft of ‘fishery resources protection law’ as a follow-up measure passed the parliament on Dec. 1st, 1953. This paper remarks mainly on the result of the investigation about provision of fishery agreement as the final phase of sustentation of ‘peace line’ analyzing mainly the diplomatic negotiation documents for differentiation to the preceding researches. I utilize the documents of diplomatic negotiation between Korea and Japan for investigating the content of negotiations and I refer to the other researching results for expressing the structures of the line and agreement.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 6차 회담 중의 ‘평화선’ 종결 교섭

Ⅲ. 어업협정 대강에 대한 합의

Ⅳ. 하코네 회담에서 협정문 조정

Ⅴ. 맺음말
