최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

한국전쟁기 재일조선인의 기억과 재현 -『조선평론(朝鮮評論)』 수록 전화황(全和凰) 작품을 중심으로-

A Memory and Reproduction of Zainichi during the Korean War -Focusing on Chun Hwa Hwang’s Work contained in “Chosun Critique”-

DOI : 10.35647/kjna.2019.37.105
  • 33

本稿は、これまでの全和凰&#30740;究で看過されてきた朝鮮&#25126;&#20105;期の詩&#30011;作品に注 目したものである。在日朝鮮人&#30011;家の全和凰の生涯と芸術に&#38306;しては、最近在 日美術分野の&#30740;究が蓄積され、&#30740;究成果が出始めたが、議論の&#23550;象が、主に 美術作品だけに限られていて、彼が朝鮮&#25126;&#20105;期の在日朝鮮人&#38609;誌に&#25522;載した 詩&#30011;は正&#24403;な評&#20385;を受けられなかった。彼は1951年第6回行動美術展に出品した <群像>が行動美術賞を受賞し、日本&#30011;壇に名を刻印させた在日朝鮮人&#30011;家とし て注目を浴びた。このような点が浮上し、相&#23550;的に彼が在日朝鮮人&#22243;&#20307;とどのよ うに連携していたのかについては、&#30740;究が行われていなかったのが事&#23455;である。 したがって、この論文では、全和凰が在日朝鮮人&#22243;&#20307;とどのような&#20307;&#39443;的共 感および集&#22243;的表明を共有する一方、特にどのような点に着目していたのかを 明らかにしようとする。これを通して、在日朝鮮人芸術家の全和凰の行跡を整 理し、彼の業績を立&#20307;的に評&#20385;することを目指した。具&#20307;的には全和凰が朝 鮮&#25126;&#20105;期、在日朝鮮人&#38609;誌&#43092;朝鮮評論&#43093;に&#30330;表した5編の詩&#30011;作品と表紙、 &#25407;&#32117;を中心にして、彼が朝鮮&#25126;&#20105;をどう見ていたかを明らかにし、これまで議論 されなかった朝鮮&#25126;&#20105;期の活動を復元した。本論文では、これまで制限的に行 われていた全和凰&#30740;究を補完し、朝鮮&#25126;&#20105;期の在日朝鮮人芸術家の活動を 改めて見直そうとした。

This paper sheds light on poetry and paintings during the Korean War that have been excluded from the research on Chun Hwa Hwang. Although research outputs have been made with the recent accumulation of research Zainichi’ art regarding the life and artworks of Chun Hwa Hwang, the first generation Zainichi artist. The first objective of this research is to discover and introduce primary documents that were omitted from the research on Chun Hwa Hwang research. This study also intends to examine how he was associating himself with the Zainichi society based on the data. In other words, this study is an attempt to clearly identify how Chun Hwa Hwang shared experiential bond of empathy and collective expression with Zainichi organization during the Korean War while clearly examining what he was particularly observing. To be more specific, this research probes into how Chun was viewing the Korean War by focusing on the five poetry works, cover pages, and illustrations he published on “Chosun Critique” during the Korean War, and recovers his activities during the Korean War that have been neglected in discussions. By doing so, the study aimed to complement the research on Chun Hwa Hwang that has been limited and shed a new light on the activities of Zainichi artists during the Korean War. This paper is a research on Chun Hwa Hwang, a Zainichi artist, and examines how Zainichi who are minority of the Japanese society have remembered and reproduced the Korean War.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 한국전쟁기의 재일조선인 잡지 &#43092;조선평론&#43093;

Ⅲ. 삽화를 통해 본 한국전쟁과 조선 표상

Ⅳ. 한국전쟁의 재현 양상

Ⅴ. 맺음말
