최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

초등영어과 평가 혁신을 통한 창의지성 교육 실현

Creative intellectual education with the evaluation reconstruction in the elementary school English

  • 8

In the subject of elementary English, the ways to realize creative intellectual education are the reconstruction of the curriculum, development of learning-based lessons aligned with the reconstructed curriculum and renovation of the evaluation system. This study examines the ways to realize creative intellectual education through the renovation of elementary English based on the defined field’s evaluation. Meanwhile, interest in high-spirit ability has been increased in quantitative evaluation mainly focused on knowledge, function and understanding. However, when raising the field’s awareness of the evaluation of affective abilities (curiosity, interest, desire for accomplishment, worth or attitude etc.), it is necessary to continuously study to apply it to the curriculum.

I. 서론

II. 이론적 배경

III. 초등 영어에서의 정의적 능력 평가의 실제

IV. 결론

