최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

일본어 교재와 한국어 교재에 나타난 문말표현 연구

A Study on the Sentence-final Expressions in Japanese and Korean Materials - Focusing on the Usages of Japanese Final Particles and Korean Final Word-Ending in Beginning and Intermediate Textbooks

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The aim of this article is to analyze the correspondences between Japanese final particles and Korean final word-ending. To this end, we present a contrastive analysis of the usages of sentence-final expressions in Japanese textbooks in Korea and Korean textbooks in Japan. As a result, the final particle ka is most frequently used as a question particle, whereas its Korean counterpart is most likely to be -아 in the textbooks in both countries. The final particle ke, which appears only in the textbooks in Korea, is used to express a recollection, and corresponds to the final word-ending -더라. The final particles, zo and te, are found only in the textbooks in Japanese. While zo is used to make an assertion or a statement and corresponds to -어 or -다, te is used for hearsay purposes and corresponds to -대 in most cases. The final particle ne, except for its interjective usage, corresponds to -네요 in most cases in the textbooks in both countries. The final particle no, which appears only in the textbooks in Japan when it is used to mark an interrogative force, tends to correspond to -어. The final particle yo is most likely to be used to convey information; the tendency is that it corresponds to -아 in the Japanese textbooks, while it corresponds to 거든요 in the Korean textbooks. The final particle yone is only used for confirmation purposes, and it corresponds to -지 in most cases. Finally, the final particle na, which is detected only in the Korean textbooks, is used to express an agreement or hope and tends to correspond to -ㄴ가, though it problematically corresponds to -다, which is not equipped with the optative function.

1. 서론

2. 한국의 일본어 교재와 일본의 한국어 교재의 문말표현 취급현황

3. 양국 어학교재에서 종조사의 의미용법별 취급실태 및 대응되는 종결어미 비교

4. 일본어의 종조사와 한국어의 종결어미간 대응관계

5. 결론


