최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널


The Image of Mother as the Formation of Beauty in Tanizaki and Kim Dong-In Literature

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本稿では、谷崎潤一郎と金東仁両作家の作品における、亡き母への思慕を契機とした美の誕生の様相について、述べた。 谷崎文学に表れている幼少時代の母のイメージは看過できない。谷崎は、母の美しい姿を通して、女体とはすなわち美であるという図式を構築した。官能的な図式が、母性憧憬から形成されたと言えるのである。 一方で、金東仁の「狂炎ソナタ」の主人公、白性洙は幼少時代の記憶によって形成されている母像を理想化したが、その理想が崩壊した際には、悪魔主義の傾向を持つまでに至った。白性洙は、より狂暴、かつ悪魔的な音楽を作るために亡き母への憧憬を捨て去ったのである。 谷崎と金東仁には、幼少時代に形成されていた美しい母像に刺激され、亡き母への憧憬から美を誕生させたという面では共通点が見受けられる。しかしながら、谷崎が老年の醜い母のイメージを払拭し、永遠に若く、美しい理想の女性として母を描写しているのに対して、金東仁は、亡き母への憧憬を完全に消去し、悪魔的な音楽のみを渇望する主人公を登場させており、両者の作品における母像の位置づけは異なると言える。

This paper mentions how two authors, Tanizaki Junichiro and Kim Dong-In, descripted the aspect of beauty stimulated by their admiration to a dead mother through analyzing how Tanizaki depicted the reunion with his dead mother and how the aesthetic sense of Tanizaki was reflected in Kim’s work. Though the female beauty shown in Tanizaki’s works has been developed by various factors, the image of a mother cannot be ignored. Tanizaki formed an ideal of female body beauty with the memory of his mother’s white skin, and the ideal got to assume the tendency of emphasizing the eroticism. Tanizaki regarded the female body as beautiful with recalling his mother’s good looks. Such cognitive system of sensuality has been composed by the admiration to motherhood. On the other hand, Paek Sung-Su, a main character of “Fan Flame Sonata” by Kim Dong-In, idealized the image of a mother in his childhood. And the image even got to take on the tendency of Satanism after the ideal was broken. Paek eliminated the admiration to his dead mother to make a more furious and devil-like music. Eliminating the image inherent in Paek helped himself to make a decadent music by arson and necrophilia, and lastly to became a Satanist committing a murder. Even though Tanizaki and Kim have expressed the beauty promoted by the admiration to their dead mother, a clear difference can be found between the two. Dismissing the ugly image of aging mother, Tanizaki saw his dead mother always in his dream and pursued the female beauty through the memory of her good looks. On the other hand, Kim described a character called Paek pursuing only a satanic music by eliminating the admiration to his dead mother.



3. 「狂炎ソナター」における母性による力の音楽誕生



