최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

나카하라 츄야(中原中也)의 상실과 슬픔의 개념

Nakahara’s Concept of Loss and Sorrow In Connection with Passing of his Family Members

  • 69


In this article, I examined the concept of loss and sorrow in Chuya Nakahara’s poetry, mainly in relation to the death of his family members. His younger brothers Aro and Gozo passed away when he was 8 and 24 years old, respectively. And the poet’s eldest son Fumiya died at the age of 29, one year before his death. The poet represented these losses in his works. An analysis of these works and related texts reveals the nature of the concept of sorrow sung by the poet. First, it can be said that the original form of poetry is primitive anxiety, helplessness, and shyness. When he was little, the death of his family members made him realize a world beyond his will and profoundly feel a deep sense of helplessness and loss. This was the prototype of poetry in life. Next, beneath the poet’s sense of loss lies the feeling of remorse and self- reproach for the deceased. Such emotional expressions for the deceased are an important element of the poet’s poetic emotions along with anxiety and helplessness. Finally, the loss of his eldest son Fumiya deepened the feelings of denial of the reality and dissociation from the reality.

1. 들어가며

2. 원초적 불안과 무력감

3. 자책과 회한의 심화

4. 현실부정과 괴리의 정서

5. 나가며


