최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

한일설화에 나타난 여우구슬의 비교 연구

A Comparative Study on Foxy Bead Folktales in Korea and Japan

  • 109


This article presents a comparative work on foxy bead folktales in Korea and Japan. There are some similarities in foxy bead folktales in the two countries. In both countries, foxy beads are described as small beads that have a magical power to cure incurable diseases. And also, the holder of a foxy bead had become a great figure due to its magical power. But the fortune, brought by a foxy bead, is not stable, and bad luck comes in the end. At the same time, there are also some differences in foxy bead folktales in the two countries. The stories of a great man who had swallowed the foxy bead only exist in Korea. And also, the stories of a fox wife, absorbing the energy of a man with the foxy bead are found only in Korea. The meaning and the value of foxy beads are different between Korean and Japanese folktales. Foxy beads are represented as a power or the energy in Korean folktales, whereas it is just a transforming tool or a luminous ball in Japanese folktales. Different perspectives regarding the concept of foxy bead are found in the two countries; protagonists try hard to obtain foxy beads in Korean folktales, but this is not the case in Japanese folktales. The present study indicates that the folktales in the two countries appear to be similar, but there are many differences as well.

1. 머리말

2. 한국의 여우구슬 이야기

3. 일본의 여우구슬 이야기

4. 한일의 공통점과 차이점

5. 마무리


