최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재후보 학술저널

A Creative Teaching Method Combining Media Contents Technology with English and American LITERATURE

  • 15

This study is to find out how to improve the logical thinking ability and self-directed learning based on the evaluation and analysis of the questionnaire by applying to the development of image contents through English and American literature works. First of all, students freely select excellent literature works that are easy to un-derstand, and examine authors, works, and criticism etc. Next, this study tries to analyze the learners’ responses by designing and applying the image contents model through English and American literature works. In order words, this study examined the difference between the lecture-based instruction method and the teaching method using video technology. The result of this study is to improve the understanding of English-American literary works, which have the characteristics of multiplicity, and the immersion of the class while producing the video contents using the image contents technology. In addition, it is expected that further research on develop-ment of practical contents can be promoted by developing the scope of the basic research.

1. Introduction

2. Understanding of Literary Work: Fo-cusing on Herman Melville’s Moby Dick

3. Design of Image Contents Model for English-American Literature Works

4. Survey Evaluation and Analysis ap-plied to English and American Litera-ture Class

5. Conclusion

6. References
