최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재후보 학술저널

A Proposal to Make Use of TAEKWONDO Studio for the Sake of Teenager Health Improvement

  • 26

50~60 percent of factors which determine health are conditioned by everyday habits. The WHO(World Health Organization) recommend for children and teenagers aerobic activities and physical activities for the strength-ening of muscles and bones amounting to more than 60 minutes per day. However, upon analyzing the physical exercises of boys and girls between 11 and 17 in 146 nations, 81.1 percent was found lacking the amount of exercise recommended by WHO, and Korean students lacking exercise was found to be 94.2%, the highest among 146 countries, in the “worst” category, which shows a serious deficiency of exercise among Korean students in-ternationally. A lack of exercise leads to numerous problems, ranging from overweight-ness, obesity and teenage scoliosis. Scoliosis in particular has no clear prevention method so early detection and treatment due to school screening are the only solution, and through early detection 63 percent of scoliosis which range up to more than 40 degrees can be cured. Taking into consideration the nature of scoliosis in teenagers in their period of growth, a functional training program effective in improving its symptoms through schools or regional facilities, rather than appliances or surgical methods, is necessary. In order to improve the problem of the lack in teenager exercise, an encouragement for physical activities in general and the inducing of behavioral changes are important. After-school programs regarding health run by schools, or the supplying of exercise programs for prevention in approximately 11,000 Taekwondo Studio within Korea, can lead to the formation of exercise programs which is easily accessible by students themselves. By of-fering an affective functional exercise at an appropriate time, recognition on the importance of health care on the part of students can happen, information can be provided, and these can be used as means of prevention and improvement.

1. Preface

2. The Improvement Measures for Teenager Health

3. Conclusion and Suggestion

4. References
