최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재후보 학술저널

A Study on the Overcoming of the Asymmetry of the Korea-U.S. Alliance: Focusing on the Trump Administration’s Security, Economic and MILITARY Alliance Policies

  • 72

The purpose of this study is to find ways to overcome the asymmetry of the Korea-U.S. alliance in order to im-prove Korea s security autonomy. To this end, the Trump administration’s foreign security, economic and military alliance policies were analyzed after considering the security-self-regulation exchange theory in light of the Ko-rea-U.S. alliance. Based on the analysis results, policy suggestions were made to overcome the asymmetry of the Ko-rea-U.S. alliance. This research led to the framework of analysis in Chapter 1 after examining the asymmetric alli-ance between Korea and the U.S. through the theory of alliance from the perspective of realism and the theory of security-self-regulation exchange. Chapter 2 analyzes the Trump administration’s foreign security, eco-nomic and military alliance policies and examines what the Trump administration emphasizes and aims at in accordance with the U.S. First America stance. Chapter 3 explored ways to overcome the asymmetry of the Korea-U.S. alliance. Chapter 4 made policy suggestions to overcome the asymmetry of the Korea-U.S. alliance. The study concluded that: First, the U.S.-led Indo-Pacific strategy is strategically engaged in conjunction with South Korea s New South-ern Policy. Second, maintain continued economic cooperation with the U.S. to push for mutually ben-eficial eco-nomic policies for both Seoul and Washington. Third, Korea should improve its U.S.-dependent eco-nomic structure.

1. Introduction and Frame of Analysis

2. Analyze the Trump Administration’s Policies

3. A Study on Overcoming the Asym-metry of the Korea-U.S. Alliance

4. Conclusion and Suggestion

5. References
