최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재후보 학술저널

A Study on the Use of MILLITARY Forces in the NORTH KOREAN Regime

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The purpose of this study is to analyze the role of the North Korean People’s Army from early establishment of the regime to present in North Korea and to identify whether Kim Jungeun is reducing the military force on contrary to the former reign for reorganizing into a normal socialist state. North Korea focuses all national capacities on the North Korean People’s Army and the North Korean Peo-ple’s Army is serving as an exclusive tool of the leader since the establishment of North Korean regime. During the Kim Ilsung period, he organized the North Korean People’s Army, ousted the political opponent, and used the North Korean People’s Army as the tool for completing Juche Ideology. During the Kim Jungil period, he used North Korean People’s Army to stabilize the regime and solve severe financial difficulties caused by the collapse of socialistic planned economy system and fall of socialist states in Eastern regions. He also overcame crisis by using North Korean People’s Army in overall national industries. It was the Kim Jungeun period that controlled and reduced North Korean People’s Army. Kim is showing the wills toward denuclearization by claiming for relieving sanctions against North Korea and guaranteeing the cur-rent system. In North Korean regime, however, ‘Nuclear Weapon’ grants self-confidence to North Korean Peo-ple’s Army and residents, stabilizes the system, and serves as a tool for advantageous negotiation result by threatening and pressuring South Korea and the United States. Kim will never give up nuclear weapon. Also, North Korean military system will stay firm and reveal its side as military state.

1. Introduction

2. The Role of North Korean People’s Army in Kim Ilsung Regime

3. The Role of North Korean People’s Army in Kim Jungil Regime

4. Role of North Korean People’s Army in Kim Jungeun Regime

5. South Korea’s Response to North Ko-rea’s Changes

6. Conclusion

7. References
