The Effects of Organizational Justice on Organizational Citizenship Behavior of the KOREAN Police Officers: Mediating Effect of Supervisor Trust INVESTIGATION
- Protection Convergence
- International journal of protection, security & investigation vol.4 no.2
- : KCI등재후보
- 2019.12
- 13 - 25 (13 pages)
With the trend of strengthening the so-called local autonomous police road map”, the Korean National Police Agency is pushing for five areas, including Jeju, Sejong and Seoul, as pilot areas by 2020 and the autonomous police system as well as reforming the investigation structure by 2022. Many prior studies have shown that police officers inside the police also improve the effectiveness of the organization by doing voluntary work while accepting changes. It is, in other words, organizational citizenship behavior. In the National Police Agency, interest in major variables affecting organizational citizenship behavior continues. This study began with the following recognition: There has been a series of studies that have had a great impact on organizational citizenship behavior, but there is very little research on the impact of the criminal prevention of the local police and the organizational justice of the police officers whose investigative functions are to work effectively in order to improve the quality of life of the residents, and there is no research on the effect of supervisor trust. This study has selected distribution justice, procedural justice, and interactional justice as sub-variables of the organizational justice of the police officers, which is an independent variable, organizational citizenship behavior as a dependent variable, and supervisor trust(emotional trust and cognitive trust) as parameter. The analysis of the data from this study shows that the distribution justice and interaction justice of the organizational justice have a positive effect and process justice has a negative effect on organizational citizenship behavior. And it also shows that emotional and cognitive trust have a positive mediating effect on the effect of supervisor trust on organizational citizenship behavior.
1. Introduction
2. Theoretical Discussion
3. The Design of the Research
4. Results and Discussions on the Re-search and Analysis
5. Conclusion
6. References