최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재후보 학술저널

Verification of Mediating Effects of Training Attitude on the Relationship between Motivation for Participation in Security MARTIAL ARTS and Training Flow of Students Majoring in Security Services

  • 13

The objective of this study is to understand the motivation for participation in security martial arts, training flow, and training attitude of students majoring in security services, and also to examine the mediating effects of training attitude on the relationship between motivation for participation and training flow. To achieve the objective of this study, this study conducted a survey targeting total 422 students majoring in security services by selecting the samples through the convenience sampling method, and total 415 questionnaires were used as effective samples. Using the SPSS Program Ver. 23.0 Statistics Program for the collected data, this study con-ducted the frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, analysis of variance, correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis, and the hierarchical regression analysis through the three-step mediating effect process of Soble’s Z-test. Through the research methods and procedures above, this study drew the results on the motivation for participation in security martial arts, training flow, and training attitude of students ma-joring in security services. First, the subfactors of motivation for participation in security martial arts, training flow, and training attitude perceived by students majoring in security services showed partially significant differ-ences between groups in accordance with the characteristics such as sex, event, and experience. Second, the motivation for participation in security martial arts(extrinsic motivation, intrinsic motivation), training flow(cog-nitive flow, behavioral flow), and training attitude(perceptional attitude, attentive attitude, participatory atti-tude) of students majoring in security services showed significantly positive(+) effects. Third, the training attitude played partial mediating roles in the relationship between motivation for participation in security martial arts and training flow of students majoring in security services. In summary, the motivation for participation in secu-rity martial arts perceived by students majoring in security services directly had effects on the training flow, and it also had indirect effects on it through training attitude.

1. Introduction

2. Research Methods

3. Research Results

4. Discussions

5. Conclusions and Suggestions

6. References
