최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재후보 학술저널

A Study on Response Measure against Drone TERROR

  • 34

Purpose; Drone has been acknowledged for its application over various areas from agriculture, industry to info-communications and is rapidly being developed and commercialized. Due to the enactment of domestic Aer-onautics Law, regulations on drones are eased, hence free flight without a separate approval has become avail-able. Drone is easily purchasable at a low cost and adaptable for purposes through facilitated remodeling and control. Modern terrors are shifting into soft target terrors against many and unspecified persons via various attacking means easily acquirable, and drone terror is increasing in number all over the world. Drone terror is performed by direct attacks upon flights or significant infrastructures using drones controlled to reach a desired location and by explosion, dropping a drone with explosives on-board. No countermeasure and budget are pre-pared against dramatic increases of security violations by drones around high-security level national infrastruc-tures in South Korea such as airports, powerplants and prisons, the existing security paradigm is not appropriate to deal with the drone terror risks. Therefore, this study suggests a new response measure against drone terrors.

1. Introduction

2. Relevant Research

3. Drone Terror Cases and Analysis

4. Response Measure against Drone Terror

5. Conclusion

6. References
