최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재후보 학술저널

Exploratory Research for the Response of the Dark Web and TERROR Crime

  • 49

Everyone knows that the Internet is widespread, but it s more extensive than you know and contains infor-mation you don t know. This is not because you are not familiar with ICT. It s an area that can t be found on its own, and this is the dark web. This study examined the relevance of various terrorist crimes on the dark web, especially air terrorism. In other words, starting with a review of the structure of the Internet, including an understanding of the dark web, the terrorist trends of recent years have been examined. Lastly, three major countermeasures were proposed.. As a result of the study, the first is to stop terrorist criminals from acquiring the violent means through the Dark Web, and the second is to stop the spread of political, religious and ethnic purposes, which are important elements of terrorist crime. Finally, the value of freedom of expression that can arise through this was once again enhanced. The first thing to consider when considering a terrorist crime is to acquire the means to commit such a terrorist crime on the dark Web. And there is a need to create a department dedicated to the development of a social consensus on the social risks of terrorist crimes(including aviation terrorism) on the Deep Web and the Dark Web. Furthermore the penetration of Internet-savvy terrorists into the dark Web will facilitate international countermeasures to find solutions to counter illegal and evil activities, but it should not undermine the freedom of legal and legitimate expression.

1. Intro

2. The Dark Web, the New Crime Gate-way

3. Recent Trends of Terrorist Criminals – Evacuation to the Dark Web

4. Outro

5. References
