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KCI등재 학술저널

요동과 길림, 서북한지역 청동기시대 묘제의 전개양상 검토

A Study on the Development of Burial Systems of the Bronze Age in Liaodong~Northwest Korea Region

DOI : 10.52557/tpsh.2019.115.173
  • 593

이글은 요동과 길림, 서북한지역 청동기시대 묘제의 권역별 분포와 문화성격 및 단계별 변화상 등에 관한 검토이다. 본문에서는 해당 공간역의 청동기시대 묘제를 총 6개의 권역으로 나누어 주요 특징을 정리하였다. 1. 요동반도권은 크게 6단계에 걸친 변화상을 보인다. ①단계는 쌍타자1기문화(기원전 20~19세기)로서 적석총이 주요묘제로 사용된다. ②단계는 쌍타자2기문화(기원전 18~15세기)에 해당되며 토광묘와 옹관묘, 고인돌 등이 조성된다. ③단계는 기원전 14~11세기 무렵의 쌍타자3기단계로 적석총과 고인돌이 공존한다. 그리고 ④단계는 기원전 10~8세기 무렵 강상유형(적석총)·쌍방(탁자형 고인돌)·동산유형(개석형 고인돌)이, ⑤단계는 기원전 7~4세기무렵, 누상유형(적석총)·패방유형(고인돌)·상마석상층유형(토광묘)이, ⑥단계는 윤가촌유형(기원전 3~2세기)의 묘제로 토광묘와 석곽묘가 확인된다. 2.요동북부권 역시 6단계에 걸친 변화상을 보인다. ①단계:기원전 18~17세기 무렵, 마성자문화 1기(동굴묘), ②단계:기원전 17~15세기, 마성자문화 2기(동굴묘), ③단계:기원전 14~11세기, 마성자문화 3~4기(동굴묘, 석관묘), ④단계:기원전 10~8세기, 신성자유형(개석형 고인돌)·이도하자유형(석관묘), ⑤단계:기원전 7~4세기, 신성자후기(고인돌)·이도하자후기유형(석관묘), 정가와자유형(목·토광묘), ⑥단계:기원전 3~2세기, 산용(고인돌)·상보촌(석관묘)·보산유형(고인돌) 등이 전개된다. 3.서류송화강유역권은 4단계의 변화상을 보인다. ①단계는 기원전 11~10세기 무렵의 서단산유형 출현기(석관묘), ②단계는 기원전 9~8세기, 서단산유형 전기(석관묘, 고인돌), ③단계는 기원전 7~4세기, 서단산유형 중기(석관묘, 고인돌), ④단계는 기원전 3세기, 서단산유형 후기(석관묘, 고인돌)로 이어진다. 4.두만강유역권은 흥성문화 중후기(기원전 16~13세기), 유정동문화 전기(기원전 12~9세기), 유정동문화 후기(기원전 8~3세기) 등 3단계의 변화상이 간취되며 묘제는 모두 석관묘이다. 5.대동강유역권은 4단계로 나누어 변화상을 살폈다. ①단계(기원전 13~10세기), 팽이형토기문화 1기(탁자형 고인돌, 석관묘), ②단계(기원전 10~8세기), 팽이형토기문화 2기/미송리유형(탁자형 고인돌, 석관묘), ③단계(기원전 7~6세기), 팽이형토기문화 3기/미송리후기(고인돌, 석관묘, 석곽묘)유형, ④단계(기원전 5~3세기), 팽이형토기문화 4기(고인돌, 석관묘, 석곽묘)이다. 6.압록강유역권은 3단계의 변화상을 보인다. ①단계:기원전 10세기 무렵, 신암리유형 Ⅱ기, 공귀리유형 1기(석관묘), ②단계:기원전 10~9세기, 신암리유형Ⅲ기/미송리·공귀리유형 2기(동굴묘, 석관묘), ③단계:기원전 7세기, 미송리후기유형(동굴묘, 석관묘)이다.

This paper is to examine the regional distributions and the cultural characteristics of burial systems of the Bronze Age in Liaodong and Jilin, Northwest Korea region, and the changes in each systemic stage. This paper categorizes burial systems of the Bronze Age in the region into 6 areas, and examines one by one. 1. The Liaodong Peninsula Area developed through 6 stages. The 1st stage was the 1st Shuang-tuozi Culture(the 21st~19th centuries BCE), and the stone-mound tomb was the main burial system. The 2nd stage was the 2nd Shuang-tuozi Culture(the 18th~15th centuries BCE), and pit burials, jar burials, and dolmens were used. The 3rd stage was the 3rd Shuang-tuozi Culture(the 14th~11th centuries BCE), and stone-mound tombs and dolmens co-exist. In the 4th stage(the 10th~8th centuries BCE), the Gang-shang style stone-mound tombs, the Shuang-fang style table-shape dolmens, and the Dong-shan style stone-cover(蓋石) dolmen were discovered; in the 5th stage(the 7th~4th centuries BCE), the Lou-shang style stone-mound tombs; and in the 6th stage, the Yinjiacun style burials included pit burials and stone-lined tombs. 2. The Northern Liaodong Area also developed through 6 stages: The 1st stage was the 1st Machengzi culture(around the 18th century BCE) of cave burials; the 2nd stage was the 2nd Machengzi culture(the 17th~15th century BCE) of cave burials; the 3rd stage was the 3rd and 4th Machengzi culture(the 14th~11th centuries BCE) of cave burials and stone-coffin tombs; the 4th stage(the 10th~8th centuries BCE) included the Xinchengzi style stone-cover dolmens and Erdaohezi style stone-coffin tombs; the 5th stage(the 7th~4th centuries BCE) included the late-Xinchengzi style dolmens, the late-Erdaohezi style stone-coffin tombs, and the Zhengjiawozi style wood-lined burials and pit burials; and the 6th stage(the 3rd~2nd centuries BCE) included the Shan-long style dolmens, the Shangbaocun style stone-coffin tombs, and the Baoshan style dolmens. 3. The Western Songhua River Basin developed through 4 stages. The 1st stage(the 11th~10th centuries BCE) was the rise of Xituanshan style with stone-coffin tombs; the 2nd stage(the 9th~8th centuries BCE) was the early-Xituanshan style with stone-coffin tombs and dolmens; the 3rd stage(the 7th~4th centuries BCE) was the mid-Xituanshan style with stone-coffin tombs and dolmens; and the 4th stage(the 3rd century BCE) was the late-Xituanshan style with stone-coffin tombs and dolmens. 4. Duman River Basin had developed through 3 stages including mid and late Xingcheng culture(16th~13th century BCE), early Liutingdong culture(12th~9th century BCE), and late Liutingdong Culture(8th~3rd century BCE). As for the burial system of the cultures, they all used stone coffins in tombs. 5. Daedong River Basin had developed through 4 stages. That is, 1st stage(4th~11th century BCE) of the 1st acorn-style earthenware culture period(table-shape dolmens, stone-coffin tombs); 2nd stage (10th~8th century BCE) of the 2nd acorn-style earthenware culture period /Misongri- type(table-shape dolmens, stone-coffin tombs); 3rd stage(7th~6th century BCE) of the 3rd acorn-style earthenware culture period / Late Misongri(dolmens, stone-coffin tombs, stone-lined tombs); 4th period(5th~3rd century BCE) was the 4th acorn-style earthenware culture period (dolmens, stone-coffin tombs, stone-lined tombs). 6. Aprok River Basin had developed in three stages. 1st stage was around 10th century BCE including the 2nd Shinamri-type and the 1st Gongguiri-type(Stone-coffin tombs) earthenware culture periods. The 2nd stage was around 9th~8th century BCE and it included the 3rd Shinamri-type and the 1st Gongguiri-type earthenware culture periods(Stone-coffin tombs). The 3rd stage was around 7th~6th century BCE and it included latter type of Misongri earthenware culture period(Stone-coffin tombs).

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 요동지역 청동기시대 묘제의 권역별 특징

Ⅲ. 길림지역 청동기시대 묘제의 권역별 특징

Ⅳ. 서북한지역 청동기시대 묘제의 권역별 특징

Ⅴ. 요동~서북한지역 청동기시대 석묘문화권의 설정과 그 의미

Ⅵ. 맺음말
