최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

Big-h3내 RGD-motif의 유전자 변이 유도에 의한 유방암 세포의 성장 및 이동성에 미치는 영향

Effect of Site-Directed Mutagenesis of RGD-Motif in Big-h3 Protein on the Growth and Invasion of Breast Cancer Cells

  • 36

The extracellular matrix (ECM) plays an important role in cellular migration associated with pathological conditions, such as inflammation and cancer. Big-h3 (also known as transforming growth factor-β-induced protein (TGFBI), beta ig-h3, TGF-b-induced protein h3, keratoepithelin, and RGD-CAP) is an extracellular secretory protein and includes the YH and RGD motifs, which interact with the ECM. In this study, big-h3 and a big-h3 fragment (big-h3-f, 182 amino acids) containing the RGD-motif were cloned. To determine whether the RGD-motif affects cell growth, the aspartic acid residue (D) in the RGD motif of wild-type big-h3 or big-h3-f was mutated to a glutamic acid (E) via site-directed mutagenesis, thereby yielding a RGE-motif containing mutant protein. Big-h3, big-h3-f, mutant big-h3, or mutant big-h3-f were transfected into the human breast cancer cell line MCF-7 and their expression was confirmed using immunoblotting. Our results showed that wild type big-h3 and big-h3-f containing the RGD-motif led to increased cell growth and invasion, compared to the corresponding mutants with the RGE-motif. Therefore, the RGD-motif in big-h3 possibly plays a major role in cell growth and regulation of invasion, in the context of cell-ECM interaction.

I. 서 론

II. 실험방법

III. 실험결과

IV. 결론
