최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

전문용어 표준화 연구

Standardization of Terminology: Focusing on the Selection of Target Words and Refinement Process

  • 248

Standardization of terminology cannot be treated lightly as it is extremely important for smooth communication with the public. In this paper, standardization of terminology conducted by central administrative agency based on article 17 of the Organic Law of Korean National Language is examined. Issues associated with the selection of target words for standardization and their refinement process are analyzed along with proper solutions. Currently, standardization of 523 terminologies from Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism, Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Energy, Ministry of Science and ICT, Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, and Ministry of Citizen’s Interest is officially announced. Types of terminology that needs to be standardized from the perspective of easiness include difficult Chinese words, foreign language, and abbreviated English words. Specific selection criteria is required, as determining what should be deemed difficult can be very subjective. This paper discusses consideration of intermediate level Korean words, classification of loanwords and foreign words, possibility of substitution with proper pure Korean words, and writing abbreviated English words with substitutable Korean words. In addition, the following methods of standardization are discussed: substituting with elementary level Korean words, expressing same meaning, avoiding word-for-word translation, not expressing all elements of meaning, taking account of whole usage of vocabulary, considering laws and policies of specialized area, selecting a representative from dozen, and re-writing foreign words with Korean words.

1. 머리말

2. 표준화 대상어 선정하기

3. 표준전문용어 다듬기

4. 마무리
