최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

직업 차별적 언어 사용과 인식에 대한 말뭉치 용례 연구

Differential Language Use and Perception of Occupations in Korean Corpus

  • 460

The purpose of this study is to examine a corpus regarding the use of discriminatory language and its perceptions. First, we examined informal job titles that indicate social views regarding the respective workers, and then we analyzed expressions indicating negative perceptions as well as negative expressions about occupations and tasks to determine negative views or attitudes toward the workers. Summarizing the results of the analysis, ganhowon(nurse) and cheongsobu(cleaner) as inappropriate titles, nogada(physical labor) and gongdori/gongsuni(factory boy/girl) as expressions of negative perception, and nogada and wunjeonsu(driver) in negative expressions related to occupations and work occur with high frequency. Ganhowon is used with titles for women like eonni(older sister), agassi(lady), and Miss ○, cheongsobu and pachulbu(day maids) with the titles ajumma(tannie) and ajeossi(older man), wunjeonsu and gongsuni with the epithets nom(jerk) and nyeon(bitch), and nogada with the titles ilggun(workers) and inbu(laborers), and such terms as jjapsae(the fuss) with a epithet saeggi(jerk/bleeder) are used mainly as inappropriate titles. Bad behavior, deprecatory social treatment, and negligent discrimination are conveyed in these expressions of negative perception. The expressions related to occupation and work were mainly used for professionals doing less respected or socially lower work or who do not work well, and there were many expressions indicative of low status or lower rank in the job hierarchy. Lastly, references to appearance and sexuality were those most frequently used in expressions conveying other occupational discrimination, and were found to be used mainly for ganhowon and gongsuni who are young women.

1. 머리말

2. 연구 대상과 방법

3. 연구 결과

4. 맺음말
