The purpose of this study is to present the contents of ‘Korean politeness’, which can be used to learn ‘Korean as a Second Language’, from the perspective of ‘conversational performance’. To this end, first, the concept of Korean politeness was examined in two elements: ‘sociocultural norm consciousness’ and ‘conversational strategy of individual speech act’. A conversational performance model of Korean politeness was also investigated as a educational unit of politeness contents. This performance model is composed of ‘adjacency pair’ and based of ‘common ground’ including honorific and speech act requirements. In order to construct educational politeness contents for KSL learner, conversational scenes of the revised KSL textbook, Standard Korean for Elementary Schoolchild were then analysed. In conclusion, politeness contents of KSL textbook were revealed in three aspects: ‘practice of using honorific style’, ‘politeness routines’, ‘politeness expressions and strategies’. Based on the results of the analysis, the direction of politeness education for KSL learners in elementary school was finally proposed in both ‘speech act’ and ‘conversation type’ pragmatic education.
1. 머리말
2. ‘한국어 공손’의 개념 요소
3. 한국어 공손의 대화적 수행 모형
4. 학습자별 공손 문제와 대화적 공손의 내용화 방안
5. 맺음말