본 논문은 청대초기에 창작된 소설 『여선외사』가 명대의 사건인 ‘정난지변’을 어떤 방식으로 변용하였는가를 그 서사적 맥락에서 파악하는 것을 연구의 출발점으로 삼는다. 그리고 『여선외사』에 구축된 서사세계에 대한 내적 분석에서 출발해 그 외연을 문인집단의 의식층위에 관한 분석으로 확대하고자 한다. 이러한 작업을 통해 궁극적으로는 청대 초기 ‘리라이팅’된 정난의 이이야기가 당시 사회에 반향을 일으킨 원인과 그 의미를 도출할 수 있으리라 기대한다.
NüXianWaiShi is a popular novel created in the early Qing Dynasty. This paper aims to analyze the causes of popularity of NüXianWaiShi. This paper consists of five chapters. Chapter 1 is an introduction. Chapter 2 describes the development of ‘the Battle of Jingnan’, it happened in Ming Dynasty. This helps to understand the cause and effect of ‘the Battle of Jingnan’ and to understand what has changed in the novel. Chapter 3 analyzed how NüXianWaiShi rewritng the ‘the Battle of Jingnan’. When compared to history, there are three major changes. First, the opposition camp has changed. ‘the Battle of Jingnan’ was a battle between Emperor Wen Jian and King of Yan. But in the novel, it turned into a fight between Tangsai’er(women) and King of Yan. Second, the battle period was extended. The four-year battle turned into a 26-year battle. Third, the character of the King of Yan has changed. In history, it is regarded as a great king, but in the novel it is described as a wicked and traitor. Chapter 4 analyzes why this novel was popular in the early Qing Dynasty and what it means. This novel was written about ‘the Battle of Jingnan’, which was so popular that 67 people wrote a review. This chapter analyzes the popularity of novels based on 67 reviews. Chapter 5 is an conclusion.
1. 들어가며
2. 명대의 정치적 사건 ‘靖難之變’
3. 『여선외사』 속 ‘정난지변’의 변용
4. ‘정난지변’의 변용과 그 시대적 의미
5. 나오며