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KCI등재 학술저널

부산의 중국 유학생들에 대한 인문교육 현황 분석

Analysis of Present Condition of Humanities Education among Chinese Students Studying in Busan: Centering around a case of Chinese Students Studying at Pukyung National University in Busan

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한국 사회의 유학생 관리 상황이 양적 팽창에 비해 그 질적 수준이 정체되고 있는 가운데, 본 연구는 한국의 제2도시인 부산이라는 공간 속에서 중국 유학생들이 어떤 선택과 삶의 계획을 실천하고 있는지 이해하기 위해 초보적인 조사를 진행하였다. 본 연구에서는 부산의 국립대학에 유학하고 있는 중국 유학생들이 체감하고 있는 한국 대학 교육 과정에서의 문제점과 인문학 소양 교육에 대한 실태들을 살펴보고자 했다. 논문에서 외국인 유학생 교육, 특히 중국인 유학생 교육에 있어서 보편적인 인문 교육의 확대를 강조하는 것은 그들로 하여금 지각된 차별감을 극복하는 사회적 지지 획득의 첫 단계라 판단된다. 이를 위해서 대학은 정책적 배려를 통해 이들 중국인 유학생들의 학습자 태도를 회복함과 동시에 유학 생활 속에서 만들어지는 스트레스와 우울을 제도적으로 관리할 수 있는 체계를 만들어 나가야 할 것이다.

This study conducts research to understand what selection Chinese students studying in Busan , second largest city in Republic of Korea make and how they put their plans for their lives into practice in Busan amid faced with circumstances that qualitative level of managing foreign students is declining in Republic of Korea while the number of foreign students studying in Republic of Korea has increased. This study aims to examine problems with University education in Republic of Korea which Chinese students studying at national university located in Busan feel and actual state of humanities education starting with a question that why Chinese students select Republic of Korea as a country to study abroad and their experience of studying in Republic of Korea will become what cultural capital. Coping with crisis university education in Republic of Korea is faced with due to sharp decline in students should be started with radical reflection on its overall education system. Considering the fact that the larger a size of foreign students studying in Republic of Korea is, the less satisfaction with curriculum provided by universities in Republic of Korea and the more foreign students drop out of college, a problem that universities in Republic of Korea only think of foreign students as emergency exit from financial crisis should be overcome within the earliest possible time and they should realize that it is natural that foreign students should be fully provided with content and value of universal higher education. Chinese students selecting Republic of Korea as a country to study is the second best choice instead of best choice of United States of America, Japan or Europe rather than they are driven by their active pursuit of goal for learning and academic clique and thus motivating foreign students to study hard and securing excellence of learning among them is naturally great responsibility of universities in Republic of Korea. This thesis placing emphasis on expansion of universal humanities education among Chinese students studying in Republic of Korea is based on the belief that expansion of universal humanities education among Chinese students is the first step which allows them to acquire social support that helps them overcome sense of discrimination they feel. This study aims to extract educational direction and methodology that assures excellence of universal humanities education especially related to humanities literacy and content of education they actually receive in Republic of Korea. For this, universities in Republic of Korea should endeavor to establish system that can manage distress and depression which foreign students suffer from systematically and help Chinese students studying in Republic of Korea to have more desirable attitude towards learning through policies.

1. 서론 : 중국 유학생과 한국 대학

2. 본론 : 한국 내 유학시장 현황

3. 결론 : 부산의 중국 유학생에 대한 인문 교육 필요성
