최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널


A Study on the Influence of Family Support to Entrepreneurial Identity and Entrepreneurial Intention of Chinese Students in Korea

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Entrepreneurial intention is a crucial step towards entrepreneurial action. There are many factors that affect entrepreneurial intention, such as external environment and personal characteristics and other factors have been concerned and verified by researchers. Family support provides emotional support and resource support for individuals, and stimulates entrepreneurial intention by influencing individual psychological capital. On the basis of previous studies, this study explores the relationship between family support and entrepreneurial intention, and puts forward for the first time that the motivation to study abroad moderates the relationship between family support and entrepreneurial intention, and that entrepreneurial identity plays an mediating role in the relationship between family support and entrepreneurial intention. The empirical results of 337 samples of Chinese students in South Korea show as follows. Firstly, family support has a positive correlation with entrepreneurial intention and entrepreneurial identity. Secondly, motivation to study abroad positively moderates the relationship between family support and entrepreneurial intention. Thirdly, There is a positive correlation between entrepreneurial identity and entrepreneurial intention and entrepreneurial identity plays a partial mediating role in the relationship between family support and entrepreneurial intention. Based above, implicatios of the results and further research are suggested.

1. 引言

2. 理论分析与研究假设

3. 研究设计

4. 分析结果

5. 结论与建议
