최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

조선시대 접경공간의 시대적 변동양상 연구

A Study on the Changes in the Contact Zones of Joseon Dynasty: Focusing on the Yalu River and Tumen River Basin

DOI : 10.46823/cahs.2019.50.325
  • 146

The study tried to get overall outline on historical changes in northern border region of Joseon dynasty. Especially, this is about change of border region s space, its features, and modern modification, focusing on the Yalu and Tumen River basin. Ming dynasty continuously had conflicts with Gorye and Joseon, advancing into Liadong(遼東) in the times of Hongwu Emperor(洪武帝) and Yongle Emperor(永樂帝). In particular, Ming in the times of Yongle Emperor intended to subject Jurchen in the Yalu and Tumen River basin, using Wei-suo(衛所) system in the times of Yongle Emperor(永樂帝). It was not incorporation for complete territory and domain but a method to allow public post of Wei-suo to Jurchen tribal chief and guarantee friendly relation with Ming. Joseon also introduced the Chinese style on Jurchen in the Yalu and Tumen River basin. Joseon exercised more active influences on Jurchen in the Tumen River basin. Jurchen in the Yalu and Tumen River basin was controlled by Ming and Joseon while they maximized their profit, positively using friendly relation policy with the two countries and invading Joseon and Ming. As invasion from Jurchen had intensified, Joseon and Ming conquered Jurchen village. This pattern was general phenomenon in the 15th and 16th century. Nurhaci founded Later Jin, uniting Jurchen in the Manchuria. It means that flow of changes begun in border region affected Joseon and Ming on the contrary. Qing made the treaty of Nerchinsk with Russia for the first time as a national border treaty with other country. As an influence of Nerchinsk treaty, border line between Joseon and Qing along the Yalu and Tumen River was fixed, constructing Baekdu Mountain boundary monument(白頭山定界碑). The Yalu and Tumen River were reorganized as modern border region space of Joseon and Qing by construction of Baekdu Mountain boundary monument(白頭山定界碑). But Baekdu Mountain boundary monument was not constructed based on border talks or treaty but based on investiture relation through paying tribute, using superior status of Qing. Policy to prevent entering a certain place(封禁) was same, which was a one-sided measure. This also affected border region of the Yalu and Tumen River basin. Construction of Baekdu Mountain boundary monument and Policy to prevent entering a certain place(封禁) by Qing shows that traditional recognition of Qing about border region in Manchuria had continued. Meanwhile boundary(定界) of Baekdu Mountain boundary monument only borrowed outer appearance that delimits boundary in the modern way. Therefore it shows dual aspects that modern delimitation of boundary and traditional recognition on border region coexisted.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 明의 요동 진출과 접경 공간의 변화

Ⅲ. 女眞 세력의 동향과 접경 공간의 특징

Ⅳ. 淸의 요동 지배와 접경 공간의 변용

Ⅴ. 맺음말
