최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

인공생명과 포스트휴먼 사회의 윤리

Artificial Life and Ethics for the Posthuman Society: Ted Chiang’s “The Lifecycle of the Software Objects”

  • 370

This paper examines the ethical issues accompanied by the emergence of artificial life represented in Ted Chiang’s “The Lifecycle of the Software Objects.” While depicting the rise and fall of a software vendor in near-future society, this novella explores the social interest regarding how we act to forge a new relationship within the posthuman society. In focusing on the social status of artificial life, Chiang argues the definition of person should be amended so as to embrace artificial agent as a new part of it. For developing the concept of responsibility and agency, this paper investigates the form of education for artificial agents to show how it affects each phase of cognitive development. Specifically, this story instantiates the bottom-up approach for machine learning programs. Chiang delineates the strengths and limitations of this method to indicate the various stages of social development in artificial life. Having invoked the idea of posthuman ethics, this paper notes a conceptual shift in morality is required to accept an extended range of social interaction.

I. 들어가며

II. 인격으로서의 인공생명

III. 상향식 발달과 인공적 도덕 행위자 육성

IV. 윤리적 선택의 재구성

V. 나오며
