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KCI등재 학술저널

검은 대서양의 폭넓은 블랙파워 운동

‘Wide Black Power Movement’ in Black Atlantic: Focusing on Stokely Carmichael’s Transatlantic Activities during the Late 1960s

  • 88

This paper explores transatlantic characteristics of the Global Sixties focusing on the activities of Stokely Carmichael, a chairman of the Students for Nonviolent Coordinating Committee and the most popular advocate of the Black Power Movement in the late 1960s. Considering his birthplace, growth background, and political activities, the ‘Black Power speech’ and Lowndes County Freedom Organization as the origin of the Black Panther Party resulted from Black Atlantic or his resistant Caribbean Black identity. His participation in the 1967 Dialectics of Liberation Congress, held in London, stimulated the formation of the British Black Panther Movement which accelerated British Black Power movements beyond both Atlantic sides. In 1969, Carmichael settled down in Guinea changed his name to Kwame Ture, and started to promote Revolutionary Pan-Africanism highly influenced by Kwame Nkrumah. Because Nkrumahism came from African Americans’ Pan-Africanism in the early 20th century, both Black Power and Pan-Africanism of Carmichael can be understood in the context of the “Wide Black Power Movement” caused by his transnational identity as a Caribbean Black.

I. 서언: 글로벌 60년대 폭넓은 블랙파워 운동

II. 블랙파워! 미국 블랙팬서당의 등장

III. 검은 대서양의 블랙파워

IV. 스토클리 카마이클에서 ‘콰메 투레’로: 블랙파워에서 혁명적 범아프리카주의로의 횡대서양 여정

V. 결어: 스토클리 카마이클의 횡대서양 블랙파워
