Industrial restructuring of urban areas and the development of new towns have brought about the rapid decline of old downtown areas due to population outflows. The central government enacted a special law on empty houses to solve the resulting problem of houses lying vacant. Furthermore, a survey on empty houses was conducted to ensure their systematic management. Empty house ordinances have also been enacted and empty house policies implemented by local governments. The purpose of this study is to suggest policy priority alternatives to solve the empty house problem. To this end, this study derives empty house policy priorities through an AHP survey of experts on policies derived from a previous Delphi survey. The policy priority of experts was highest for socio-cultural infrastructure in all domains. Regarding their importance for sub-policies in each policy area, semi-public officials and social organizations were ranked between first to fifth for preventing the clustering of empty houses , and professors, public officers, and staff were ranked between first and fifth for management of empty houses in poor condition . In addition, public officials were ranked first, social organizations second, and professors third for provision of empty house information integration system , which is a sub-policy of promoting empty house utilization . Therefore, professors and staff are clustered in policy areas such as management of empty houses in poor condition , and semi-public officials and social organizations in preventing the clustering of empty houses . This study presented policy alternatives and derived the implication that solidarity between professional groups can act as an important factor in solving the problem of empty houses.
1. 서 론
2. 이론적 배경
3. 계층화분석과정(AHP)에 의한 정책 우선순위 도출
4. AHP분석을 통한 정책우선순위 도출
5. 결론