汽车产业是象征一个国家产业竞争力的产业,并与众多产业相关联,几乎所有的后发国家都将其确立为本国的支柱企业。韩国汽车工业60年代初期从零起步,在不到40年时间里,汽车产业异军突起,早在1997年,汽车总产量、出口量均居全球排名第5位,轿车的出口量占世界轿车出口总量近7%,居全球第4位,产品覆盖了北美、西欧等40多个国家和地区,至此韩国已经成为世界汽车产业一个重要的生产基地,标志其汽车产业技术跨越的成功。在一定程度上,韩国汽车工业取得的成绩,是韩国以政府主导为特征的“赶超型”经济发展战略的集中体现。如果没有政府坚持不懈的支持,韩国汽车工业很难取得今天的成就。另外,汽车工业作为韩国经济发展的支柱和主导产业,对战后韩国经济快速增长起到了巨大的带动作用。可以说,如果从培养起一个具有相当竞争力的民族汽车工业,并在其带动下实现经济快速稳定增长角度看,韩国汽车工业发展战略是成功的。 本文将通过从汽车产业竞争力体系中的产业基础竞争力、产业核心竞争力和产业国际化能力这三大指标来对韩国汽车产业的竞争力进行综合分析,借鉴韩国汽车产业发展过程中的经验和教训。
Automobile industry represents one of the competitiveness of the country. It is related to many industries and considered as pillar industries in almost all the late-development countries. Automobile industry starts in Korea by the 1960s. During less than 40 years, it develops in a rather quick way. In 1997, automobile industry is the fifth place in both automobile total output and export; Meanwhile the export of the saloon cars accounts for 7% of world’s total exports, which is in the fourth place of the world and covers northern America, western Europe and more than 40 countries and areas. For now Korea has already become an essential manufacturing base in world’s automobile industry, which represents the success of development of automobile technology. To some degree, the achievement of Korean automobile industry is the concentrated reflection to “progress model” strategy by Korean government. Without their effort, Korean automobile industry can not be that successful. Furthermore, as the pillar and leading industry, it is playing a tremendous role to rapid increase of Korean economy. In other words, if they start from cultivating a competitive ethnic automobile industry and also from realizing rapid economic progress under its driving force, the strategy of Korean automobile industry is a great triumph. This paper does a comprehensive analysis to competitiveness of Korean automobile industry through the following three indicators, which includes basic, core and internationalized competitiveness of the automobile industry system. It aims to learn from the experience of Korean automobile industry, which plays an important role to the development of Chinese automobile industry.
Ⅰ. 绪论
Ⅱ. 中韩汽车产业竞争力背景分析
Ⅲ. 韩国汽车产业竞争力体系模型
Ⅳ. 中国汽车产业竞争力体系模型
Ⅴ. 中国汽车产业得到的启示
Ⅵ. 结论