中国互联网产业发展迅速, 电子商务成为其中规模增长最快的主力军, 但是关于网络购物产业中认知和情感信任, 以及忠诚度的研究还未引起广泛关注。本研究的目的是探索顾客忠诚度的影响因素, 重点研究感知价值、认知信任、情感信任、转换成本和忠诚度的相关关系, 从而提高网络营销企业的竞争力。本研究以中国电子商务市场特征为背景, 对中国网络购物产业的现况进行分析整理, 以期对企业开拓网络购物市场起到战略导向作用。研究实施了信度分析及要因分析, 检验了个变量的效度;使用AMOS. 18实施结构方程式分析对模型的适合度进行了检验, 对各假设进行了验证, 并总结了研究结果,提出了未来的研究方向。研究结果概括如下: 第一, 网络购物的感知价值对顾客认知信任和情感信任产生肯定性的影响。第二, 网络购物顾客认知信任对情感信任产生肯定性的影响。第三, 顾客认知信任和情感信任对转换成本和忠诚度产生肯定性的影响。
The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between the customer perceived value, customer cognitive trust and affective trust, switching costs and customer loyalty on internet shopping mall. In addition, This study is to find out factors influencing customer loyalty of the Chinese internet shopping mall. Moreover. this study is to consider the present condition of China e-business market and contrive the strategy which is based on the feature of internet shopping mall in China. Combined the correlative theories and empirical result, some suggestions were made for internet shopping web site. The conclusions of this paper conclude: the customer perceived value on internet shopping has positive impacts on customer cognitive trust and customer affective trust. The customer cognitive trust on internet shopping has positive impacts on customer affective trust. The customer cognitive trust and customer affective trust on internet shopping has positive impacts on customer switching costs and customer loyalty.
Ⅰ. 绪论
Ⅱ. 理论背景
Ⅲ. 研究假设
Ⅳ. 研究方法
Ⅴ. 分析结果
Ⅵ. 结论